Hopeful Towns: BID-BUILDER
4. Use non-monetary assets to fulfill goals
The council will often have a range of non-monetary assets, which can supplement a given proposal. These take the form of buildings or public spaces, but there are other assets too.
By thinking creatively about how you use council assets, you can find ways to make money go further. This is obviously in the interests of central government funders, but can also lead to better partnerships.
For example, your bid might commit, if successful, to re-purpose a disused municipal building as a community hub. Or it might offer to provide land, free of costs, for a series of outdoor festivals. Each of these ideas reduces upfront costs, and demonstrates resourcefulness.
Another idea might involve ear-marking specific revenue streams to support the bid. For example, a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) can be levied by the council, in the case of a new regen or housing project. You could commit, in your bid, to turning your CIL into a grants pot for your voluntary sector, to supplement a wider bid.
Establish strong relationships with the third sector and other partners
Use non-monetary assets to fulfill goals