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Hopeful Towns: BID-BUILDER

Opportunities in Wales

As well as funds and resources from the UK Government in Westminster, there are also opportunities for community funding which emerge via the Senedd, for councils based in Wales.


In particular, funding opportunities in devolved areas like transport, business, economic development, language and culture and local government are all more like to come from the Welsh government.


You can stay up to date with new funds and resourcing opportunities from the Senedd by subscribing to their announcements page. It includes an RSS feed, and a page with search function, where you can filter all announcements and find those relevant to you.


By clicking the button below, meanwhile, you can  sign up to a newsletter with the latest opportunities coming out of the Senedd - tailoring what you receive so that it only applies to the fields you work in.

Two other sites which are specific to Wales are the Development Bank of Wales and Funding Wales. The former has been set up by the Welsh Government to support the economy of Wales, by making it easier for businesses to get the finance they need to start up, strengthen and grow. It can invest from £1,000 to £5 million at a time in businesses based throughout Wales.


The latter is a free-to-use funding search platform, developed and managed by Third Sector Support Wales*. It supports Welsh communities and charity groups who are looking for grants or capital investment. Most of the funders listed on the Grant Schemes page of our Bid-Builder site cover Wales as well as England. But if you're a Welsh community organisation - or a Welsh authority looking to support its third sector partners - then Funding Wales may be the place to start.

*Third Sector Support Wales is a network of support organisations for the voluntary sector in Wales. It consists of the 19 local and regional support bodies across Wales, the County Voluntary Councils (CVCs) and the national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales, Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA).

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